earthly voyages


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Jews / Hebrews

Further explorations of the world as it is and the world as we wish it to be


…one of the unique things about the jewish people is that historically – at least for nearly two millennia – they were not a state/nation per se altho they were and are an ethnically identifiable “people,” independent of their religion … albeit a stateless people … a little like gypsies … members/citizens of many diverse nation states in the middle and far east, in africa, asia, europe, and the western hemisphere – while simultaneously maintaining their jewish identity, but not as a nation with a state/territory as such.  the advent of zionism, the notion there should be an ethnically identified jewish state (designed initially as a nationalist movement primarily to protect jews from centuries of abuse), changed all that.

i personally never much favored the idea of there being a state for jews, especially on ethnically cleansed conquered lands, even as I celebrated the pre-1967 triumphs of Israel.  it is my naïve utopian hope that israel and palestine will merge as one state for all its people – a far better outcome in my view than a jewish national state living side by side in peace with a safe, just, and equitable state for the palestinian people – and equally unlikely an outcome as there being one just and equitable state for all the people of Palestine.  as Gideon Levy says, “the two-state solution is dead (it was never born); the Palestinian state will not arise; international law does not apply to Israel; the occupation will continue to crawl quickly to annexation, annexation will continue to crawl quickly toward an apartheid state; “Jewish” supersedes “democracy”, nationalism and racism will get the stamp of government approval, but they’re already here and have been for a long time.”  in light of that reality i’m left believing israel and palestine are one state already, albeit an apartheid state w a major civil rights problem.” and there is no palestinian state, regardless of the best intentions of the pope.

So how did David turn into Goliath?

Gathering of the Tribes

What made Franklin unique as a commune was our very explicit combination of political activism and back to the land self sufficiency.  To the social ethnographer’s eye Franklin looks a lot like a messianic movement, a contagious social delusion and belief on the part of some segment or all of an indigenous population that believes returning to the old ways, the ways of the ancestors, will serve to bring about heaven on earth.

Lou Andrews and I drove to every commune we could find – one leading to another – traveling the state to spread the word about the Gathering.  I remember doing a brake job on the vehicle.  Learning about brakes.  Very excited by the prospect of traveling around state and seeing what was going on.  I remember going to Packer’s Corner.  It seemed in a very diff place than we.  They seemed citified … less open than other places we visited.  More insular it seemed.  Not as warm a reception we got other places. 

I think the idea must have come from Bruce.  I recall the initial thoughts about it were to find out and connect w all of the other communes in state so we could have a connection and larger impact on our movement to mobilize, help, support, to devel a more active relationship, to build a larger tribal/communal nation.  Related to how we felt about Amer Inds and how we

Treated one another. 

Making it a spec event – espec for kids –

Wanted to estab our role as leader.  I thought that – my impression was that Franklin and Putney – we had diff roles – To Lou I and the commune we were leaders.

Gathering of the Tribes – Bruce

Was a vision.  Not sure where it came from altho I think I initiated.  Mixed reception more enthusiastic political less so more concerned for the farm tasks.  Winter travel.  Expectation folks disappear in sinter.  Winter of ’71 Jan & Feb.  Craig, Fletcher, in California.  Neal lifted gun from a demo – dope in van screwed back tight.  Stopped by police once, but nothing happened. 

The idea of traveling around VT in a van seems almost as if it’s out of the 1830’s not 1970.  We didn’t know phone number, internet, didn’t know where they were located.  Pieced it together

Only had incidental ino. No communication mechanism, but there was a vision.  Can’t say how explicit it was.  Shared fully by Barb, Jim, MP and Bruce before arriving in VT.  Understanding was Jane would buy land and they would go wherever Jim got a job.  Charlie and Lou turned on by it.  He was a Phd psychology with interest in primates.  High school graduate working class 2 kids and kind of empty life.  Who was open and eager for excitement and rescue & adoration.  Nothing excites the male crow more than this.  Formula for narcissistic romance.  One of my favorite memories:      Somehow in the summer after the fire when we were still living both at Franklin & Philo you had found a deserted perhaps hunting shack in the middle of a field somewhere somewhere south of Philo.  We somehow agreed to trip there one day.  Don’t know how we got there ….

Was a vision.  Not sure where it came from altho I think I initiated.  Mixed reception more enthusiastic political less so more concerned for the farm tasks.  Winter travel.  Expectation folks disappear in sinter.  Winter of ’71 Jan & Feb.  Craig, Fletcher, in California.  Neal lifted gun from a demo – dope in van screwed back tight.  Stopped by police once, but nothing happened. 

The idea of traveling around VT in a van seems almost as if it’s out of the 1830’s not 1970.  We didn’t know phone number, internet, didn’t know where they were located.  Pieced it together

Visiting Putney with our newspaper.

         Creating a newspaper was the first thing we all did together in addition to home schooling the kids.  Talking to Roger Albright, Grant Ctichfield – return address for VT RR.  When paper wss finished and Roger rejected we went on road w it.  We knew of existence of Putney. 

We presented our Newspaper – they were very interested bec they were totally political.  Met Robert John, Jane, Erika, other Jane?, next stop was to Juche’ in boston-  Political discussion w those 2 we were aligned.  It was always clear things needed to change.  I didn’t really believe the revo was coming, but that was what most people seemed to believe.

At one point Barb and Lou were selected by Putney to be trained … stayed a week or two.  Learned about first aid.  Shortwave radio.  Rifle practice.  Learned how to shoot a blow gun in prep for the revo.

Visited by Craig & Fletch by early 1970 looking for land.  Bruce Cohn served jail time.  Was set up for marijuana bust.  Nobody sets anyone up for child porn bust.  Not sure of truth.  He was part of lower east side scene.  Was a licensed locksmith – very paranoid.  He Craig& Bruce had an acid trip Jessup’s Audibon in Noyac Bay on the south fork of Long Island near Sag Harbor where MP’s father and his 3rd wife had a house.  Picked up “Horse Feathers Fletcher’s son.   Bruce into cryonics carried survival kit.  Folded down to 1×1” plastic square dime and fish hook inside.  Unfold for catching water.  Fish to eat.  Dime for phone call.

Only had incidental ino. No communication mechanism, but there was a vision.  Can’t say how explicit it was.  Shared fully by Barb, Jim, MP and Bruce before arriving in VT.  Understanding was Jane would buy land and they would go wherever Jim got a job.  Charlie and Lou turned on by it.  He was a Phd psychology with interest in primates.  High school graduate working class 2 kids and kind of empty life.  Who was open and eager for excitement and rescue & adoration.  Nothing excites the male crow more than this.  Formula for narcisistic romance.  One of my favorite memories:        Somehow in the summer after the fire when we were still living both at Franklin & Philo you had found a deserted perhaps hunting shack in the middle of a field somewhere somewhere south of Philo.  We somehow agreed to trip there one day.  Don’t know how we got there ….

Gathering of the Tribes – Bruce

Was a vision.  Not sure where it came from altho I think I initiated.  Mixed reception more enthusiastic political less so more concerned for the farm tasks.  Winter travel.  Expectation folks disappear in sinter.  Winter of ’71 Jan & Feb.  Craig, Fletcher, in California.  Neal lifted gun from a demo – dope in van screwed back tight.  Stopped by police once, but nothing happened. 

The idea of traveling around VT in a van seems almost as if it’s out of the 1830’s not 1970.  We didn’t know phone number, internet, didn’t know where they were located.  Pieced it together

Visited by Craig & Fletch by early 1970 looking for land.  Bruce Cohen served jail time.  Was “set up?” for marijuana bust.  Nobody sets anyone up for child porn bust.  Not sure of truth.  He was part of lower east side scene.  Was a licensed locksmith – very paranoid.  He Craig& Bruce had an acid trip Jessup’s Audibon in Noyac Bay on the south fork of Long Island near Sag Harbor where MP’s father and his 3rd wife had a house.  Picked up “Horse Feathers Fletcher’s son.   Bruce into cryonics carried survival kit.  Folded down to 1×1” plastic square dime and fish hook inside.  Unfold for catching water.  Fish to eat.  Dime for phone call.

Only had incidental ino. No communication mechanism, but there was a vision.  Can’t say how explicit it was.  Shared fully by Barb, Jim, MP and Bruce before arriving in VT.  Understanding was Jane would buy land and they would go wherever Jim got a job.  Charlie and Lou turned on by it.  He was a Phd psychology with interest in primates.  High school graduate working class 2 kids and kind of empty life.  Who was open and eager for excitement and rescue & adoration.  Nothing excites the male crow more than this.  Formula for narcisistic romance.  One of my favorite memories:        Somehow in the summer after the fire when we were still living both at Franklin & Philo you had found a deserted perhaps hunting shack in the middle of a field somewhere somewhere south of Philo.  We somehow agreed to trip there one day.  Don’t know how we got there ….


I am Musab, six years old
Two days ago Israeli soldiers surrounded our house at 2 A.M. shooting
Helicopter gunships illuminating the night
Their rotors like giant fans hung from the sky
The whine of their rockets like angry birds
Here four bullet holes through the door of the room where my brother sleeps
Here the shattered windows
“Take your clothes off, all of you, even the women” the Israeli soldiers yelled
Then father was handcuffed
Taken as a human shield to the apartment of uncle Hussan
Where their bullets pierced his door
and the chest of the old man opening it
Who bleeds to death for want of an ambulance.
After his body is removed
The soldiers withdraw
But brother is still crying
My city, Nablus, is still occupied
The old man remains dead
And I am Musab, six years old.

Stand off at Gate 927

It is a beautiful sunny morning

At apartheid gate 927

The Israeli soldiers are listening to rock music

They are in their 20s

They have automatic weapons

Uniforms, walkie-talkies

Humvies, tanks

F16 fighter jets, a nuclear arsenal.

We are Palestinian farmers

With donkeys and tractors

With seed, fertilizer, and lunch in plastic bags

We are four Americans over fifty

With cameras, cell phones, and bottled water

We are Bedouin with sheep and goats and identity cards

We dismount from our donkeys and tractors

And wait

Wait long enough to see the falcon hunting,

To see the wild dog with the stolen chicken,

Wait to be admitted through the small gate

To the turnstile

Then into the concrete bunker

To wait at the counter, to show our passes,

To be released into a holding area

To go back through a sliding gate

To get back on our donkeys and tractors

To pass through the big gate

Opened only certain hours

On certain arbitrary days

To get onto our land – our own land –

On the other side of this abominable fence

That separates us from our fields

From our trees and fruit

From our grass, our rocks, and our graves

On the other side of this fence

That separates us from our brothers and sisters

We stand in the sun waiting two hours

On the side of this fence

That separates us from our livelihoods

On the side of the fence

That separates us

© brtaub – 02/08