Feel Mo
Feel Mo – for Mo Shooer on his 70th birthday – by Michael Korson, M.D.
Feel Mo
More of Mo, so much Mo,
Hale-Bopp blazing over Yosemite mountains
And that ballet of shooting stars over strawberrys.
Mo words, a galaxy of words,
Q’s and A’s,
Mo politics, Mo sports,
Mo man on second one out and a single up to the middle.
Mo jubilation,
Mo Super Bowls,
Mo sorrows and Mo tears,
Mo arms to comfort and hold.
Mo belly full laughs,
Mo broken rules,
Mo hopped fences,
Mo ignoring signs,
Mo towed vans at Candlestick Park.
Mo music, saxophone, Middle Eastern,
Mo Omar Sosa in MOMA,
Mo plays and discussions and opinions and questions.
(To be a Jew is to question. Mo told me.)
Mo tennis balls, lawn bowls,
Regular bowels,
No Mo broken bones.
Mo families, everywhere,
cousins, ex in-laws, friends’ families, friends’ friends,
All one big family of Mo,
Mo, Larry and Curly,
Mo parties, Mo ecstasy,
Mo hanging from monkey bars.
Mo mentum … No you’re retired. Relax.
Mo ney please.
Mo dogs (Donovan added that.)
Mo hikes.
Mo lying on the grass.
Mo clutter, Mo mo clutter!
Mo of everything
Mo beautiful.
Many Mo years, Mo.
Lots more Mo, Mo.
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