earthly voyages




What is Zionism? (Zionism Defined, Meaning of Zionism, Definition of Zionism, Zionism Explained)”

Christian Zionists – USA

How Israel Won the West


Video collection from the Institute for the Study of Christian Zionism

‘Til Kingdom Come

See the VFHL Online Film Salon of February 12, 2023. With unparalleled access, the film exposes a stunning backstory of the Trump and Netanyahu administrations, where financial, political and messianic motivations intersect with the apocalyptic worldview that is insistently reshaping American foreign policy toward Israel and the Middle-East

• Institute for the Critical Study of Zionism podcasts:

Arab Labor (TV series) – episode listing on IMDb


Finkelstein, Norman G. Image and Reality of the Israel-Palestine Conflict (Verso Books, 1995)

Finkelstein “challenges the general outline on which the Israeli historiographical picture of Zionism is based. He does that first by questioning the main themes in the Zionist historical narrative and then by examining in great detail the empirical evidence brought by Israeli historians to substantiate their claims. Thus, his refutation of Israeli historiography is both ethical and empirical.” Review by Ilan Pappe

• Forer, Richard. Breakthrough: Transforming Fear into Compassion – A New Perspective on the Israel-Palestine Conflict (Insight Press, 2011) Through meticulous research Forer examines and reframes the most common and misunderstood arguments on both sides of the conflict. He shows that the real enemy is the unexamined mind that projects its suffering onto the other.

• Forer, Richard, Wake Up and Reclaim Your Humanity: Essays on the Tragedy of Israel-Palestine – “Recognizing that endless conflict only leads to alienation from our true selves, this book encourages readers to look at the documented history of the Israel-Palestine tragedy and get in touch with how they view and interpret that history. It offers readers a path that leads to freedom from false beliefs, enemy images, and the illusion of identity to equal rights for all people and a just peace between Palestinians and Israelis.”

• Karcher, Carolyn, ed., Reclaiming Judaism from Zionism (Interlink Publishing, 2019). – “In this powerful collection of personal narratives, 40 Jews of diverse backgrounds tell a wide range of stories about the roads they have traveled from a Zionist world view to activism in solidarity with Palestinians and Israelis striving to build an inclusive society founded on justice, equality, and peaceful coexistence.”

• Levit, Daphna, Wrestling with Zionism: Jewish Voices of Dissent (Olive Branch Press/Simon and Schster, 2020). – “Twenty one Jewish and Israeli thinkers grapple with the evolution of Zionism since its inception on political, religious, cultural, ethical, or philosophical aspects. Daphna honors a tradition of courageous  intellectual inquiry and activism, rooted in Jewish ethical imperatives.”

• Paas, Steven, Christian Zionism Examined, Second Edition: A Review of Ideas on Israel, the Church, and the Kingdom (Resource Publications, 2020). – This is “an expert look at Christian Zionism and all of its related forms. … an excellent introduction to Christian Zionism and other varieties of ‘Israelism’ in Europe and the West. Paas traces the roots and historical circumstances that have fueled the fires from which Christian Zionism has arisen. He notes its dangers–how it harms our Christian witness, potentially encourages global crises, and undermines the gospel and its fulfillment in Jesus. Anyone wanting to understand the nature of Christian Zionism, including its related movements, its history, and its dangers, must read this work.” – review by Rob Dalrymple

• Perez, Anne, Understanding Zionism: History and Perspectives (Fortress Press, 2023) – This book is “a detailed introduction to the background and development of the Zionist movement, its various streams, and its impact on government and society in Israel. The book serves as a primer for Christians of all backgrounds–from those keenly interested in Zionism to those who are entirely unfamiliar with the term–to understand basic concepts, historical turning points, and the political and social stakes of Zionism.” (Amazon review).

• Rabkin, Yakov M., A Threat from Within: A Century of Jewish Opposition to Zionism (Zed Books, 2006). – “Since the Jewish opposition to Zionism is a topic not well-known, one must be grateful to Yakov Rabkin’s study, A Threat from Within, that documents the teaching of the Orthodox rabbis who have, from the end of the nineteenth century up to the present day, rejected the Zionist claims for reasons that are properly theological.”

• Shapiro, Yaakov, The Empty Wagon: Zionism’s Journey from Identity Crisis to Identity Theft.

• Zionism. The untouchable topic. “Lack of knowledge has led to very confused ideas about religion, even among the chareidim (Ultra-Orthodox Jews). … Sadly, even in our own circles, the mold for shaping public opinion lies in the hands of the state of Israel.” See the VFHL Online Film Salon of November 13, 2022, when panelists, including Rabbi Shapiro, discussed The Settlers.

Select Sabeel/FOSNA publications:

• Donald E. Wagner and Walter T. Davis, Zionism and the Quest for Justice in the Holy Land,

• Carole Monica Burnett Zionism through Christian Lenses: Ecumenical Perspectives on the Promised Land

• Naime Ateek, Cedar Duaybis, and Muarine Tobin, Challenging Christian Zionism

• Naime Ateek, Cedar Duaybis, Tina Whitehead, The Bible and the Palestine Israel Conflict

• Rev. Dr. Naim Ateek, Overcoming Christian Zionism in the Quest for Justice (PDF booklet)

 • A Sabeel Reflection on Antisemitism: This is Where We Stand” (PDF booklet)

 • Articles by Jack Munayer,

Chapters authored:

Palestinian Christians: Colonial Tools or a Prophetic Voice” by Jacob Jack Munayer and Samuel Munayer, chapter in the book Towards a Renewed Mind (2021)
The Deligitimization of Palestinian Christians by Jack Munayer- chapter in the book Christ at the Checkpoint – Blessed are the Peacemakers.


 • “Our Approach to Zionism,” Jewish Voice for Peace

 • Peter Beinart, The Beinart Notebook

 • Zionism’s History is Also a History of Jewish Anti-Zionism An Interview with Shaul Magid

 • “Malcolm X’s final written words were about Zionism. Here is what he said,”

 • Toolkit: Demand “NO IHRA”, Critical Zionism Studies

 • “Infographic: Zionism and Racism,” International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network

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